Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Making of Morris

Well, it's been kind of a crazy summer this year. The weather has been strange, very cool for a summer.
My lovely mother-in-law passed away a couple of weeks ago. It was so sad, she was such a wonderful woman. I was very very lucky to have had such a great mother-in-law like Millie. She went quickly but thankfully without too much suffering.

Then last Monday August 3, Jorday my grandson came to visit!! We haven't seen him for 2 years so it will be a nice time. He is staying for 3 weeks. Here is a picture of him in all of his silliness!!

Well, I guess I should talk about the subject of this blog and that's the Making of my Morris doll. This is an online class from Joggles. He is designed by Barbara Schoenoff and is a fabulous doll.
This is Morris' beginings - he has a body and legs and is wire armatured throughout and has a dowel running up his leg into his body.
Then Morris received his head and arms and some beautiful sleeves. His outfit looks a little strange right now, but it will all come together. I think there are 12 different fabrics on this doll so there is a lot more to come. I started working on his pants this morning, that's another 3 fabrics. I am anxious to finish him but I'm going to take my time, I want him to be as perfect as possible. Well, perfect is probably not the right word, but at least the best that he can be! I made a couple of mistakes on his face but I really don't mind them, at least not enough to make another head!!

Now, as if Morris isn't enough work to do I also signed up for 3 other online classes. One is Henrietta, that would be Morris' wife. She is going to be soooo much fun. I haven't quite decided on her colors yet. I keep changing my mind, big surprise!! I also am taking Julie McCullough's Lady of the Lake, I thought she was really pretty and her dress is made of fibers that are sewn together free form. I haven't tried that yet so this doll will give me some guidance with it. Then I am taking the fabulous Coleen Babcock's Water Lily. She is so darling. These are all dolls that I wanted to take just for me, they are not dolls for shows or challenges or anything that HAS to be made, they are just dolls that I want to make for fun. There is such a difference! So I'll keep posting Morris' progress and we'll see what happens with the other dolls!

1 comment:

  1. You are so ambitious. I look forward to seeing the dress for the Lady of the Lake.
